The Company
The Ets Raimbault were established in 1928 by Paul Raimbault. The company became an S.A in 1949 and is based in Moulins (Allier, France) since this time.
The capital of the company reaches 272 000 euros.
There are nowadays 17 employees working for the company.
The products range of the S.A Raimbault is divided in three main fields:
1) Mechanical Activity
The company is mainly working as subcontractor through several machining operations for various clients (turning operations, milling operations...).
7 CNC turning machines , 3 regular turning machines,
5 CNC machining centers,
5 regular milling machines, 1 milling machine with numerical commands
2 ULTRA sawing units with numerical commands
various drilling machines....
2) Handling trolley "OMNI-TRUCK"
This system was patented and is still exploted by the company. The trolley is designed for moving heavy, bulky and unevenly balanced loads. This system is know in the French industry under the trademark "OMNI-TRUCK".
3) Plastic Activity
Production and sale of different types of soluble bags made from a film of polyvinylic alcohol.
Production and sale of bio-deteriorating health covers made from another film of polyvinylic alcohol (patented formula).
Production and sale of various funeral products.